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Betfair prekybos dienorastis (by Dealer)

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Prekyba verčia jus susidurti su giliausiomis baimėmis ir silpnybėmis, formuojant jūsų emocinę tvirtybę.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Bublio sou
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
The biggest difference between successful and unsuccessful traders is how they respond to losing trades.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Kartais verta pagalvoti, kaip „neprekiauti“, o ne kaip prekiauti.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Stop searching for the Holy Grail of trading indicators.

Focus on mastering your emotions instead.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
When everything you need to do is predetermined, trading becomes boring.
However, you are still struggling and excited, not bored.
The reason is that "everything is not predetermined."

You probably haven't yet decided that "you will inevitably experience losing streaks."
And you haven't decided that "those losses are not your responsibility."
You perceive losing streaks as unexpected events and try to modify your system to avoid them, mistakenly believing it is an improvement, thereby disrupting consistency.
Losing streaks and drawdowns are unavoidable in any system.
It is said that trading becomes boring when everything you need to do is predetermined, but "everything" literally means everything, including your actions, your attitude towards things, and your perceptions.
If you thoroughly prepare and trade with confidence in your statistics, you must decide to accept everything that occurs.

Once you create a system with an edge, you only need to follow it.
Wins and losses, not trading, and everything else that occurs while following the rules are part of the system and essential to forming an edge.
The responsibility is not yours; your responsibility is solely to act according to the rules.
Your role is to be part of the system, functioning accurately, and extracting the edge through the law of large numbers.

Clearly define and decide your job.
Determine the scope of your responsibility.
Decide what to focus on and what not to do.
Decide the parts you should and should not be involved in.

Why do you count the number of losing trades?
Why do you frequently check the chart to see if you have unrealized profits?
Are those things you have decided to do?
Are they part of your job and responsibility?
Reflect on your actions once more.

Having everything you need to do predetermined makes trading boring.
This has a deeper meaning than you think.

When trading becomes boring, it means you understand and accept your true role as a trader.
This means adhering to the system while clearly recognizing your scope of responsibility.
Boredom does not mean "laziness."
Rather, it is a psychological state resulting from a "deep understanding" of your real job, your scope of responsibility, and what you can control.
Boredom shows that you are free from emotional excitement and can trade calmly and methodically.
This is the ideal psychological state that traders should aim for and is a crucial difference between professional and amateur traders.

Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Euphoria is NOT confidence.

It is of vital importance that traders know how to differentiate between the two.

Confident Trading

True confidence is defined by the trader's ability to calmly execute their trading plan. It is focused on process, not outcome.

Confident traders do not hesitate to enter A+ setups or feel any discomfort waiting until their targets are hit before taking profits.

They take losses with ease and grace and just as easily wait for market conditions to be favorable before entering any trade. Trading confidence is having a probabilistic mindset that is calm and detached, yet curious.

Euphoric Trading

On the other hand, euphoria is defined by an intensely good feeling that the trader cannot be wrong. Euphoric traders are hyper-focused on why their trading thesis is right because they are certain of outcome. They cannot see or believe how their trading idea could be wrong because they are outcome-oriented, instead of process-oriented. When this happens, they will keep adding to losing trades, with devastating losses leading to tilt and blown accounts.

The euphoric trader can achieve stunning results in a very short period of time. And just as quickly lose all of their profits, principal, plus any borrowed funds, leaving them with less than they started. Even so, the emotional collapse from euphoria to shock, anger, and depression is even more devastating to the trader than the loss of capital.

How to Deal with Euphoria and be Calm

The best way to deal with euphoria is to recognize the early signs of it. Situations such as a winning streak, a huge win, or even consistently decent results from the backtesting of a promising strategy can trigger it as well as an imagination focused on all the things that trading riches can provide.

Meditation, prayer, contemplation/reflection, journaling, deep breathing, and exercise are some tools that traders can use to move towards a calm baseline if they feel the early signs of euphoria. These techniques are also of immense value if a trader really tilted hard and blew their account.

Unfortunately, #fintwit mostly encourages euphoria and not a proper trading mindset.

So take time to breathe, reflect, and lengthen the time between stimulus and response. Awareness precedes control.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Trading psychology is only relevant if you have an edge in the market
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
A man who is obsessed with making money, eating clean, chasing his purpose, and lifting heavy weights at the gym,

Rarely has time to be depressed.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Trading Success: It's a Mental Game! ?
Ever wondered why some traders keep winning year after year? It's not just about the strategy – it's the MINDSET! ?
"Mastering the Mental Game of Trading" is your guide to becoming an consistent winning trader. ? It tackles the biggest challenge: your ego! 😈
Remember: You can't completely defeat your ego, but you CAN'T let it control you. It's a constant battle, but one you MUST fight to win! ⚔️
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Sėkminga prekyba reikalauja disciplinos, o ne jaudulio.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living in the present.

- Lao Tzu
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Sometimes not taking any trades at all is the best decision you can make.

Before taking any trade ask yourself:

"Would I be happy taking a loss here?"
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT

Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT

Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
„Tai lengvas žaidimas, jei sugebi suvaldyti savo emocijas. – Vorenas Bafetas
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1740 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT

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