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Klausimai Pinnacle bendrovei

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Sveiki, kaip jau supratote iš temos pavadinimo, šioje temoje galėsite parašyti savo klausimus Pinnacle lažybų bendrovei.


Daugelis turbūt žinote, kad Pinnacle lažybų bendrovė yra viena iš tų bendrovių kuri priima visus laiminčius lošėjus ir jų nelimituoja, taip kaip yra limituojami kitose lažybų bendrovėse. Todėl šioje bendrovėje lažintis ypač patogu, nes statant ant aukštesnių lygų, nereikia sukti galvos dėl statomų sumų ir ar priims jūsų statoma sumą. Pinnacle taip pat rašo įvairius lažybų straipsnius, psichologinius ir kartais ima interviu iš profesionalių lošėjų.
Vienareikšmiškai Pinnacle siūlo didžiausius koeficientus ir limitus.

Taigi šioje temoje galite rašyti visus jus dominančius klausimus šiai lažybų bendrovei (ANGLŲ KALBA) ir kas porą savaičių ar mėnesį, sukauptus klausimus nusiųsime jiems ir atsakymus vėliau taip pat parašysime forume.

Jeigu turite kažkokių paprastesnių klausimų, asmeniškai rekomenduojame tų klausimų klausti per twitter

Kaip jau minėjau Pinnacle rašo ir talpina įvairius naudingus straipsnius

Šioje temoje taip pat galite parašyti kokio straipsnio ten pasigendate ir parašyti savo idėjas dėl jų, kas jūsų nuomonę būtų aktualu ne tik jums, bet ir visiems lošėjams. (ANGLŲ KALBA) . P.s prieš siūlydami, bent permeskite akimi ar to jau nėra parašyta.

Bet koks off topicas bus trinamas.
Jeigu nenorite rašyti viešai klausimo dėl anglų kalbos gramatikos klaidų, galite tuos klausimus parašyti man asmeniška žinute
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Registravosi: 2011/11/24 Žinučių: 6264 Tel.: LT
In the news we see much more articles about tennis players who get involved in tennis match fixing, can you deny or confirm these accusations? And how do you fight with these match fixing? And how often do you see not logicall bet placement with high amount of money?
Registravosi: 2016/02/13 Žinučių: 7 Padėkų: 285
Which one tennis player get most bet on him to loose and which tennis player get most bet on him to win? Which one players is most favourite by betters to win any match?
Registravosi: 2016/08/05 Žinučių: 30 Padėkų: 2
In spring are you going to open more Eurovision markets than just Winner, Semi-Final qualifiers and TOP-10? I’d love to bet on markets like Semi-Final Winner, Semi-Final TOP-3, Grand Final TOP-4, etc.
Registravosi: 2011/06/24 Žinučių: 1635 Padėkų: 127 Tel.: LT
Is there any chance to see more leagues in sports betting selection such as Lithuanian basketball league?
Registravosi: 2012/04/13 Žinučių: 160 Tel.: LT
How often does tennis players posts on Twitter affects tennis odds in pinnacle?
Registravosi: 2016/02/13 Žinučių: 7 Padėkų: 285
Why there are no halftime ML bets in Fiba Champions league markets? I find these kind of bets in Basketball-Eurocup markets and in my opinion these two leagues are equally strong, so I see no reason for not giving more offers on CL.
Registravosi: 2011/04/19 Žinučių: 5831 Padėkų: 2781 Tel.: LT
Jeigu dar turit ko paklaust, tai rašykit, nes poto po vieną klausimą nesiųsim.
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Registravosi: 2011/11/24 Žinučių: 6264 Tel.: LT
Vamos!! Rašė:

Why there are no halftime ML bets in Fiba Champions league markets? I find these kind of bets in Basketball-Eurocup markets and in my opinion these two leagues are equally strong, so I see no reason for not giving more offers on CL.

I sita neatsake?
Registravosi: 2011/04/19 Žinučių: 5831 Padėkų: 2781 Tel.: LT
Nesiuntėm dar šitų klausimų, laukėm kol susikaups daugiau, bet jeigu per ateinančias dienas nepasipildys, tuomet siųsim.
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Registravosi: 2011/11/24 Žinučių: 6264 Tel.: LT
From where are you getting your initial odds? Do you have a team inside company or are you getting them elsewhere (buying from some company specializing in mathematical modeling or using software tools developed outside). Can you name costs/budget (some rough approximation per year)?
Registravosi: 2010/07/02 Žinučių: 15 Padėkų: 9
1. In the news we see much more articles about tennis players who get involved in tennis match fixing, can you deny or confirm these accusations? And how do you fight with these match fixing? And how often do you see not logical bet placement with high amount of money?

We cannot comment on accusations.

2. Which one tennis player get most bet on him to loose and which tennis player get most bet on him to win? Which one players is most favourite by betters to win any match?

This is private information to our traders, but of course we usually receive the most bets for the top ranked players.

3. In spring are you going to open more Eurovision markets than just Winner, Semi-Final qualifiers and TOP-10? I’d love to bet on markets like Semi-Final Winner, Semi-Final TOP-3, Grand Final TOP- 4, etc.

There are no plans at the moment for extra markets in the Eurovision contest. The majority of Pinnacle players use Pinnacle for the best sports and e-sports odds.

4. Is there any chance to see more leagues in sports betting selection such as Lithuanian basketball league?

Unfortunately at the moment there are no plans to create odds for Lithuanian basketball league because of the lack of interest. If we were to see a massive increase in Lithuanian players then this could change.

5. How often does tennis players posts on Twitter affects tennis odds in pinnacle?

Our traders decide the Pinnacle odds based on a number of different equations. Unfortunately It’s impossible to know how much social media affects their predictions.

6. Why there are no halftime ML bets in Fiba Champions league markets? I find these kind of bets in Basketball-Eurocup markets and in my opinion these two leagues are equally strong, so I see no reason for not giving more offers on CL.

Our traders create odds in games and competition where we see the most action from our players. For example, we receive millions of dollars in bets for Champions League soccer, so we create more and more lines.

7. From where are you getting your initial odds? Do you have a team inside company or are you getting them elsewhere (buying from some company specializing in mathematical modeling or using software tools developed outside). Can you name costs/budget (some rough approximation per year)?

Pinnacle have traders in Curacao and Manila, we create our own odds and lines and do not hire any 3rd party to assist.

Unfortunately a lot of these questions are based towards the Pinnacle traders and this is not something which they will answer on a regular basis.
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Registravosi: 2011/11/24 Žinučių: 6264 Tel.: LT