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Apturejau sian idomia situacija 😄 buvau uzdejas betfair dubli, kuriame staciau Luton +1, Chelsea imuse ir betfair birzoje uzdejau Chelsea -1. Reziume macas baigesi 3-2, Abu statymai pralosti 😄 nepagaunu kampo, ta pati bendrove ta pati baigtis,kuri turetu prisilyginti 1 na arba jei vienas pralose tai kitas turetu but laimetas,o cia vat taip 😄
Registravosi: 2013/03/07 Žinučių: 920 Padėkų: 60
Marius.R rašė:

Apturejau sian idomia situacija 😄 buvau uzdejas betfair dubli, kuriame staciau Luton +1, Chelsea imuse ir betfair birzoje uzdejau Chelsea -1. Reziume macas baigesi 3-2, Abu statymai pralosti 😄 nepagaunu kampo, ta pati bendrove ta pati baigtis,kuri turetu prisilyginti 1 na arba jei vienas pralose tai kitas turetu but laimetas,o cia vat taip 😄

Matyt +1 statei pries varzybas o -1 live metu kai chelsea pirmavo 1-0. Live ko gero skaiciuojasi tas -1 nuo tuo metu esamo rezultato. Tai atemus ta ivarti gaunasi 2-2 uz tai ir pralaimeta 😁
Registravosi: 2009/11/19 Žinučių: 4 Tel.: LT
Arwis rašė:

Matyt +1 statei pries varzybas o -1 live metu kai chelsea pirmavo 1-0. Live ko gero skaiciuojasi tas -1 nuo tuo metu esamo rezultato. Tai atemus ta ivarti gaunasi 2-2 uz tai ir pralaimeta 😁

Na galimai, bet birzoje -1 iki ivarcio buvo 2.42, o po ivarcio -1 buvo @1.73 . +1 uzdeta bukuose,o -1 birzoje gal skirtingai traktuojasi, taciau keista nes platforma ta pati betfair
Registravosi: 2013/03/07 Žinučių: 920 Padėkų: 60
Kiek supratau turejo grazinti tau
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Visus su naujaisiais metais, linkiu, kad jie būtų pelningesni nei praėję!
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Trading Wisdom on Betfair Football Trading ?⚽️

Success in Betfair football trading hinges on one crucial factor: discipline. ? The victorious trader is the one who follows a well-crafted plan and sticks to it. No premature exits, no impulsive decisions. Patience is the name of the game. ⏳

Ask yourself, how disciplined are you? If discipline is a challenge for you, it's time to build up this skill. In Betfair football trading, discipline is your secret weapon for profitable trades. ??

Discipline comes in different flavors. Some traders are meticulous, following rules to the letter. They're the ones who plan every detail, much like those who pay off their credit card bills on time and are never late. While discipline is essential, overly disciplined individuals may struggle with the uncertainties of trading. Trading isn't a guaranteed win, and being too disciplined can hinder your ability to take calculated risks. ??

On the other side of the spectrum, successful traders often embrace a bit of risk. They live a little on the wild side, not afraid of uncertainty. However, this lack of discipline can pose its own challenges. That's why trading coaches often emphasize the need for discipline and self-control. ??

Evaluate your own discipline and self-control. Can you stick to your trading plan? If not, consider a self-awareness exercise. Observe your self-control in everyday life—punctuality, spending habits, and promises kept. Strengthening discipline in your daily routine can positively impact your trading discipline. ??

Take a few weeks to gain more control in specific areas of your life. Manage your calorie intake, control your spending, and allocate time wisely. The results may surprise you. By honing discipline in your everyday life, you'll likely find it easier to stick to your Betfair football trading plan. ??

In the wise words of George Washington, "Discipline is the soul of an army." Apply this wisdom to your Betfair football trading journey, and watch how discipline transforms you into a formidable and successful trader. It's a skill worth cultivating.

Tekstas paimtas iš šios tinder grupės
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
The Foundation of Successful Trading

In the world of Betfair trading, bankroll management is the cornerstone of lasting success. Just as a strong foundation supports a towering structure, careful bankroll management safeguards your trading journey, ensuring you thrive amidst the volatility of the market.

If you can't confidently manage a £500 trading account, don't let ambition tempt you into a larger one. With greater funds comes heightened emotional pressure, increasing the likelihood of impulsive decisions and costly mistakes.

Remember, success in trading is not about the size of your account; it's about the mastery of your strategies and the discipline of your approach
Focus on honing your skills, building a solid foundation of knowledge and experience, and gradually increasing your bankroll as your confidence and expertise grow.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
If you see your losing bets as failures and your winning bets as successes, you have a problem.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Vyrukas tikrai sužaidė, kaip iš natų, esu be galo laimingas dėl jo. Nors ir reikėjo, kad Jarry laimėtu 5 geimų skirtumu, bet šis įvykis dar labiau nudžiugino. Buvo užkrauta 2 eurai, laimėjimas, kaip žinoma didesnis keliasdešimt kart.
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT
Registravosi: 2009/11/23 Žinučių: 1364 Padėkų: 6 Tel.: LT